Monday, July 31, 2006

Security Council Tells Iran Stop Nuke Activities

The UN Security Council voted 14-1 to call on Iran to "suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and development." The council has given Iran until August 31st to comply or the council would "consider adopting appropriate measures".

The biggest problem with UN appropriate measures is they amount to no more than a stern talking to.

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

BREAKING: Israel Agrees to 48 hr Suspension

FoxNews and are reporting the Israel has agreed to a 48 hour suspension of strikes in Lebanon to allow for an investigation into the disaster in Qana. They have also agreed to a 24 hour window for residents in southern Lebanon to leave the area if they so choose.

Here is the text of the article:

"Israel has agreed to suspend its aerial bombardment of southern Lebanon for 48 hours, starting immediately, to allow for an investigation into Sunday's bombing that killed 54 civilians, a US State Department official said on Monday."

"Israel will also coordinate with the United Nations to allow a 24-hour window for residents of southern Lebanon to leave the area if they wish, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli told a briefing in Jerusalem."
- YNetNews Article

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Inconsistencies in Qana Attack

Just found this article on interviewing Brigadier General Amir Eshel (head of the IAF). He pointed out several facts that create possible inconsistencies in the attack in Qana that lead to the death of more than 60 civilians.
So far the story has been that the building was attacked by the IAF, and that that attack lead to the collapse of the building while civilians were inside.

General Eshel says that the attack by the IAF occurred around midnight, but the building didn't collapse for another 8 hours. The general floats a couple of possibilities:
1. The collapse was the result of explosives being stored inside the building that detonated several hours later. (Detonation could be as a result of air strike, or as a result of Hezbollah wanting press coverage of an event that could be blamed on the Israelis. The part in parenthesis is my own theory, not the general's).
2. The IAF attack in the area around midnight damaged the building but didn't immediately cause the collapse. The building eventually succumbed to structural damage from the IAF attack 8 hours later.

In order to prove or disprove any of these theories several questions must be answered:
1. Did the IAF actually hit this building, or did it hit a target on the ground around the building?
2. Were explosives or other munitions being stored by Hezbollah in the building?
3. Was there an explosion at the time of the collapse of the building (8 hours after the IAF air strike)?
4. If there was an explosion at the time of the collapse of the building (8 hours after the IAF air strike), was it the result of explosives being stored inside the building?
5. If there were explosives stored inside the building, were the detonated as a result of the IAF air strike, or the result of a Hezbollah attempt to blame a tradgedy on the Israelis?

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VIDEO:Rocket Fire from Qana Building

Found the video that was released by the IDF of rocket launches right next to a large building Qana that matches the description of the building hit by an IAF airstrike last night which resulted in the death of more than 50 civilians.

Here's the link to the video.

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Hezbollah Used Qana Building as Shield for Katyushas

I'm watching video on FoxNews that was released by the IDF that shows rocket launches from the ground right next to a building that appears to be the building hit by an IAF raid that killed in excess of 50 Lebanese civilians.

There appear to be two launchers right behind a large building that matches the description of the building hit by the IAF last night. If this is the case it proves two things; 1) The IAF was not target the civilians, but the Hezbollah firing rockets from that location, and 2) Hezbollah terrorists are hiding behind Lebanese children while they try to kill Israeli children.

I'll try and find the video and post it here.

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Hillary and McCain Hold Drinking Contest

There's a post on the Drudge Report talking about a New York Times article that is to be published Saturday that describes a vodka drinking party involving Senators McCain and Clinton while a part of an overseas delagation to Estonia.

"The after-dinner game went so well -- memories are a bit hazy on who drank how much. McCain later told people how unexpectedly fun he found Hillary to be."
Drudge Report Article


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Palestinian Gunmen Using UN Ambulance for Cover

Here is video of Palestinian terrorists using a clearly marked UN ambulance (complete with a blue flag) as cover while fighting IDF forces. The video starts out just showing a couple of ambulances and some gunmen walking around. Then you hear the sounds of gunfire. As the gunfire continues you see four or five men carrying AK-47 rifles pile into the back of the ambulance as it slowly backs away from where the gunfire apears to be coming from. None of these men apear to be injured in any way.

This video was found by Little Green Footballs back on May 11th, 2004.

Hat tip to Little Green Footballs.

So where are the outcries from the UN about this? What happened to the UN drivers of that ambulance? Were they doing the driving, or are they dead in a Hamas hideout somewhere? Where's the special UN investigation of this event?

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UN Leaves Lebanon/Israel Boarder

UN has now pulled its 50 unarmed observers from the Lebanon-Israel border (also known as the "Blue Line"). Who is Hezbollah going to use as a shield now?

Here's the original article from the Associated Press via Yahoo! News.

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IDF Kills Hezbollah Missile Smuggler

Just saw this good news on

"The IDF struck Thursday night a vehicle carrying Nur Shalhub, a Hizbullah senior commander responsible for the smuggling of strategic weapons, including long-range missiles, in the organization."
YNetNews Article
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BREAKING:Hezbollah Escalates Conflict is reporting that Hezbollah fired 5 "long-range" missiles that are equipped with more explosive power than Hezbollah's longest range Katyusha style rocket known as the Pajar. The missiles landed in open areas near Afula and in the area between Afula and Beit Shean. This is an area further from the Blue Line than Haifa.

Thankfully, no injuries were reported as a result of the attack.
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Condi Rice: A Character for the History Books

US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice attended the Asean Regional Forum yesterday. The tradition for this annual event is that each delegation from around the world performs some kind of act. Its pretty much an international armature hour being put on by people who spend most of their time with public relations advisers constantly reminding them what to say and when not say it. This is intended as a light hearted way to get everyone to relax and put aside many of the more serious aspects of the forum. For example, back in 2001 Rice's predecessor Collin Powell did a version of the Village People's "YMCA".

This year, with far more serious events going on in the world, Rice performed two Johannes Brahms piano pieces (a solo Intermezzo number two, and Brahms Sonata for violin and piano, opus 108, with a Malaysian guest soloist). The response from the crowd was absolutely amazing. Philippines Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo said "Oh, beautiful, beautiful. She’s a great pianist. She’s a concert pianist."

I believe its moments like this that will put Condi Rice down in the history books. If you look at historical figures from the west that are among the most respected you don't hear as much about their day to day lives in the office they hold. Mostly you hear about the kind of person they are. Winston Churchill for example is know more for his quick whit, poetically worded axioms, and what later were called Churchill cigars. Now, I don't know if Condi ranks as high as Churchill (as far as I'm concerned he is in a league that is almost impossible to gain membership of). But her ability to show uncommon intelligence and grace sets her apart from pretty much any figure in the world today (perhaps even her boss, President George W. Bush).

While the left is focusing on how "sexually powerful and threatening" Hillary Clinton's bust is, Condoleezaa Rice is showing her classy character by playing classical music for her international counterparts. She doesn't need some starry-eyed sculptor to stroke her ego. She knows who she is, and knows how to get the job done by showing the character of a classically educated, highly intelligent, and morally and ethically strong individual. It is her character in times like these that will go down in the history books. And she does it with the simple act of playing a magnificent musical piece.

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Screamin Dean's Idea of Diplomacy

Howard "The Screamer" Dean, chairman of the Democratic Party called Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki an "anti-Semite" for failing to denounce Hezbollah for its attacks against Israel.

I agree that there is a problem with any country who does not denounce terrorist groups such as Hezbollah. But going as far as calling a head of state an anti-Semite isn't exactly my idea of diplomacy with allies. And don't forget that this is a guy who criticizes the Bush administration for using so-called "Cowboy Diplomacy" by going it alone (facts and reality aside) in Iraq. Specifically he believes that we have not worked well enough with our European allies (in short get the permission of the EU to do anything).

The EU can't even decide if Hezbollah is a terrorist group. Are you going to call them a bunch of anti-Semites Deanie boy?

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SITRAP: Middle East July 27th, 2006

I woke up this morning and a whole lot has happened. So I figured this would be a good time for a quick situation report (SITRAP).

Here we go:
  • Israel Decides Not to Expand Offensive. This was decided by top Israeli cabnet members. "During a meeting of the security Cabinet, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said the goals of Israel's 17-day offensive are being met." - AP News article
  • Ayman al-Zawahri, 2nd in charge of Al Qaeda, called for muslims worldwide to riseup in a holy war against Israel and join the fighting in Lebanon and Gaza until Islam reigns from "Spain to Iraq." - AP News article
  • Police on Thursday restricted entry to Jerusalem's Temple Mount to Palestinians under the age of 40 after it received information that a protest was scheduled to take place on its premises after Friday prayers. - article
  • Israeli Chemical Plant Hit by Rocket. A Hezbollah rocket slammed into a chemical plant in the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Shemona. The extent of the damage and what chemicals were involved was not immediately known. - AP News article

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

UN Observer Post Used By Hezballah

Found this one over at Little Green Footballs. It's an interview from CBC radio with Retired Canadian Major General Lewis Mackenzie. Mackenzie evidentally receive an email from one of the UN peacekeepers killed at the UN post that was bombed by the Israelis earlier today. According to the General, the peacekeeper was saying that Hezbollah was taking up position around the UN observation post in an attempt to use the post as a human shield.
"We received emails from him a few days ago, and he was describing the fact that he was taking fire within, in one case, three meters of his position for tactical necessity, not being targeted. Now that's veiled speech in the military. What he was telling us was Hezbollah soldiers were all over his position and the IDF were targeting them. And that's a favorite trick by people who don't have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields knowing that they can't be punished for it."
- Canadian Major General (Ret.) Lewis Mackenzie Interview on CBC Radio
I wonder if this will be included in the UN investigation into this incident.

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The Realities of War

First let me say that I am fortunate enough to have never been in a war zone. So I cannot speak from personal experience as to what happens in a war. But I do know personally veterans of ever military branch who have served in every war since World War II. They have told me their personal experiences from the D-Day invasion of Normandy, to the various offensives in Vietnam, to Desert Shield, to the operations that have gone on since September 11th, 2001. And there is one thing that is true about every one of their stories. No matter how much planning is used, no matter how much preparation is done, no matter how good the minds of the planners of an operation sh** does and will happen.

Battle is the truest form of a life and death situation. And this is an axiom that applies to everyone in and around the battle whether they are combatant participants, non-combatant civilians, or "impartial" observers. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an ignorant buffoon living in a Walt Disney cartoon.

And here is another truth about battle that goes hand and hand with the above axiom. No matter how "smart" the weapon, how good the intelligence, or how good of a marksman wielding a weapon there will always be the chance of unintended damage. Just because a bullet, rocket, missile, or bomb is aimed at a target does not mean necessarily that it will always hit that target. The other side of that coin also says that just because a bullet, rocket, missile, or bomb hits something doesn't mean that it was aimed at that target. Weapons of war, just like any peaceful technology, is subject to the conditions that it is used under. Weather, damage to components, or competence of the user (whether it is poor training, disorientation in a battle zone, or panic from intense combat) all play a factor in the accuracy of a weapon.

Do these truths of war make the death of a child any less tragic or horrible? Never. Do these truths of war make it any easier to accept civilian casualties or the deaths of "impartial" observers? Never. But it is a fact. A fact that anyone who is involved in a war, directly or indirectly, has to understand. And if you cannot get it through your thick skull then you need to go sit back down in front of that TV and watch some more Disney cartoons. Because you obviously are not ready for the real world of war yet.

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Hezbollah Attacks UN, Where is the Peace Keeper of Rewanda?

Little Green Footballs just posted about a UN press release that reveals that Hezbollah has fired from around four UN positions in Lebanon.
"It was also reported that Hezbollah fired from the vicinity of four UN positions at Alma ash Shab, Tibnin, Brashit, and At Tiri."
UN Press Release via LGF (original UN press release, Adobe PDF)
There are also reports that a UN position of the Ghanaian battalion was also directly hit by a Hezbollah mortor round. The round did not explode, and there were no casualties or damage.

So where is the public outcry from the Peace Keeper of Rewanda, Kofi Annan about these actions by Hezbollah?

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Peace Protester Heckels al-Maliki

I'm watching Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki address the US Congress. While he was speaking a peace protester got up and started heckling him. It was hard to make out what she was saying but it sounded like she was yelling something along the lines of "listen to the Iraqi people".

I hate to tell you this lady, this man was elected by the Iraqi people.

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Comic Roundup: Middle East - July 26th, 2006

Political Cartoons on the Middle East July 265th, 2006

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hezbollah Threatens Increase in Violence

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah is now threatening to step up rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.
"Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah says his group's fighters would begin rocket attacks deeper into Israel, south of Haifa"
- Article about a broadcast by Nasrallah
So while Israel and the rest of the world is talking about cease-fire terms, Nasrallah and Hezbollah are talking about stepping up attacks.

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Justify Hezbollah

I'm going to take the Hezbollah apologists head on here. I've been reading through all sorts of blogs on this issue, some pro-Hezbollah and some pro-Israeli. I understand (and agree with) the pro-Israeli side. But I still can't understand the pro-Hezbollah crowd.

So I'm going to pick of fight with the pro-Hezbollah side. I want you people to come here and justify to me Hezbollah's actions. Justify Hezbollah's continued existence after Israel pulled out of southern Lebanon. Justify Hezbollah's firing of thousands of Katyusha rockets into Israeli towns since December 2005. Justify the illegal action of taking hostages. Justify Hezbollah's continued militarization in southern Lebanon after UN Resolution 1559 which called for the disarmament of militias including Hezbollah.

So bring it on Hezbollah/terrorist apologists. Post here your justifications of what Hezbollah has done.

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New Strikes in Beirut and South Lebanon

The Israeli IDF is claiming that they hit 10 buildings in Beirut that were believed to have been housing Hezbollah personnel. The IDF has also further sealed off a Hezbollah "stronghold" in southern Lebanon.

The IDF has also elaborated on the future of the capaign in Lebanon:
"The intention is to deal with the Hezbollah infrastructure that is within reach," Col. Hemi Livni, who commands troops in the western sector of southern Lebanon, told Israel Army Radio. "That means in southern Lebanon, not going beyond that." - Associated Press Article via Yahoo! News
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Israeli DM: Civilian Multinational Force to Lebanon

Israeli Defense Minister, Amir Peretz, suggested today that a multinational civilian force should be brought into Lebanon to "rehabilitate"the country. This is primarily to "prevent the presence of Iranian money and forces that will try to enter this region and to penetrate the population."

This sounds like an interesting idea and a definite change in policy on the part of Israel. In the past when Israel went into an area to put an end to a terrorist presence they used military force almost exclusively. Here Peretz wants to add a civilian component to prevent the civilian side of terrorism from take hold of a region.

Here's the full article.

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Russia: Israel Has a Right to Security

Spotted this line on the news ticker.
"17:22 Russian President Vladimir Putin says Israel has the right to security (AP)"
- News Ticker
Is Vladimir starting to realize he's being hypocritical by telling the Israelis they can't fight Hezbollah while he fights Chechen terrorists?

Update: Found an article about this on here. Here's an excerpt of what Putin said:
"You are aware of our position, which is that not a single issue, however complicated it is, should be resolved through terrorist measures"
- Article.
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SITRAP: Middle East 2006.07.25

Time for another SITRAP folks. Obviously alot has gone on since the last one a couple of days ago.
  • US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice has now met with the Lebanese Prime Minister, Israeli Prime Minister, and the Palestinian President.
  • All sides are pressing for a cease-fire. However, there is still a disconnect on the terms of that cease fire among the three parties.
  • An IDF General has claimed that as many as 30 Hezbollah fighters have been killed in the last 24 hours.
  • More than 2,200 Katyusha rockets have been fired by Hezbollah on Israeli cities.
  • An increasing number of countries are pledging humanitarian aid (mostly in the form of money) to the Lebanese.
  • The major governmental parties of the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict (Israelis, Lebanese, Palestinians, the Americans, and others) will be meeting in Rome to hammer out a cease fire.

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Excellent Video by Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin did an excellent video that answers the question as to why Hezbollah is a threat the US. People like Pat Buchanan have been criticizing the Bush Administration for doing anything to help Israel in its conflict with Hezbollah asking 'what has Hezbollah done to us?'

Here's the video:

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UN Gets Something Right

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. UN Humanitarian Chief, Jan Egeland blames Hezbollah for Lebanese civilian deaths.

"Consistently, from the Hezbollah heartland, my message was that Hezbollah must stop this cowardly blending ... among women and children...I heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don't think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men."
Associate Press Article via Yahoo! News
Its a miracle that the UN openly criticizes a terrorist group for hiding among civilians.

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Free News Updates: Fair, Balanced, and Filled with Sarcasm

Hey folks! I just wanted to let everyone know that I know that I now have email subscriptions available. Every post that you see here you can get in your inbox as it happens. Whether its news items that I find throughout the day or just my take on things that are going on, you'll get them as they happen.

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Nasrallah:I Told Lebanese Leaders We Would Abduct IDF Soldiers

Here's an interview with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that was aired on Al-Jazeera TV today. He claims that he actually told certain Lebanese political leaders that he would abduct Israeli soldiers and was not in any way discouraged.

He also claims that Hezbollah always puts "Lebanese national interests above any other interests". Somehow I doubt the civilians in Lebanon would agree with that in regards to the taking of IDF hostages.

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Peace Activist Turned Realist

Here is an excellent opinion peice from the by Yoram Kaniuk. Kaniuk starts out by admitting that in the past he has always gone to peace rallies with his "eyes closed" simply because he was against the occupations of places like Gaza and Lebanon. But in this article he asks the important question that sepperates a "peace at all costs" person from a peaceful realist. That question is what do you do when the other side wants nothing less than your total destruction?
"The fact that Israel does not approve of calls for its annihilation and its unwillingness to have rockets hit Ashkelon, Sderot, Nahariya and Haifa? Is there a city in the world that sit idly by as it is hit by rockets, looking for excuses to understand the enemy and, in essence, to support it?"
- Yoram Kaniuk
He also takes some good shots at Noam Chomsky calling him "the Left's spiritual leader".

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Rice visits Lebanon

Rice just made a surprise visit to Beirut, Lebanon to meet with the Lebanese Prime Minister and tour some of the destruction in the area.

Here's the full Reuters article via Yahoo! News.

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John Kerry: "I Could Have Been Somebody"

From the "I'm Still Relevant" File: John Kerry on Saturday made the claim that everything that is going on Israel wouldn't have happened if people would have just voted for him. Kerry, get over yourself. You lost. You are not the president. And it was not because the election was stolen from you by George Bush/Dick Cheney/Karl Rove/Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. It was because the American people wanted better.

Oh, and by the way, he served in Vietnam.

I don't care how close the margin was. A loss is a loss is a loss. Get over yourself and quit crying in your beer over it. Go back to your ketchup wife in Massachusetts.

"If I was president, this wouldn't have happened"
- John Kerry in article
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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Great Video For the Men and Women of the IDF

Saw a great video montage over the Vital Perspective blog. It includes some really moving images from the current conflict in the Middle East and images from the history of that region. At the end it also includes some cold hard facts about Hezbollah's history that many in the peace at all costs crowd choose to ignore.

They chose a great song to make this video to. I've never heard the song before, so I'm afraid I don't know the title. But part of the chorus line is "you've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything." Anyone who's ever found themselves in a situation involving a combat of ideologies knows exactly what that line means.

Here's the video. Spread this to everyone.

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Hezbollahs Filthy Methods

Here is an interesting opinion piece from The Ouwet Front which is a blog containing the "personal views and opinions of Lebanese Forces members."

For the past 11 days, we have seen Israel bomb all sorts of targets and I am sure most of us were wondering why would Israel bomb a certain factory or a construction yard or a truck..

If we can for a moment turn off all the local and international channels who have nothing to do but show little dead children and dismembered bodies that touch the viewer to a certain degree that it would blind them, and think about the reasons behind those hits.

From a military point of view, you have a fully equipped army, ranked in the top 5 armies in the world fighting against a guerrilla militia with absolutely no info on its fighters, weapons and locations.

Even though the Israeli army is way superior in terms of weapons, technology and size than Hezbollah, its war must be a very cautious and tactical one since its fighting a guerilla militia.

We have seen Israel for example hitting a tissue factory in a small village in the south. The reason for that would be Hezbollah move around with a missile in a truck, park near a factory and fire a rocket then flee. The origin of the rocket being the factory, Israelis respond by hitting it.

A witness to a similar action went on TV and urged Hezbollah fighters to stop coming into his village to shoot rockets and then run away since the village is being destroyed.

Same for the truck that was carrying civilians and that became very suspicious when it was not allowed to enter the UN offices.

Fighting a guerrilla is very hard and knowing that they could shoot from anywhere, we should expect attacks on unusual places.

Innocent people are dying this is true, but I believe the way Hezbollah is operating and its filthy methods in infiltrating villages and using them as launch positions is causing all those casualties.

Of course Israelis have hit bridges recklessly during the day killing innocent civilians trying to cross the bridge, but its war and you always have victims.

On the other hand, the party thats hitting civilians randomly and threatening innocent lives is Hezbollah who is launching rockets with no sense of direction whatsoever. I have seen rockets land on balconies, small cafes, walls… anything but military targets.

Finally, I heard that Hezbollah has accepted that the government negotiate on the prisoners fate today, therefore I hope that they realized they haven’t achieved anything except self destruction politically and militarily and most of all the destruction of Lebanon and putting it in economical ruin for the next 5 years.

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Arabs Press Syria to End Hezbollah Support

It appears that Hezbollah's support from the Arab world (at least among the leadership) is eroding. The Egyptians and the Saudi Arabians are now pressuring Syria and voicing condemnation of Hezbollah.

This creates a unique situation when the two most prominent Arab nations are not shouting their support against Israel. The potential problem that I see though is Iran deciding to ignore Egypt and Saudi Arabia and try to shift Arabian power to their country.
"Mideast diplomats were pressing Syria to stop backing Hezbollah."
Associated Press Article, via Yahoo! News
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What a Katyusha Rocket Does

Little Green Footballs posted these pictures showing the results of a Katyusha explosion on a car as well as the shrapnel that is thrown when it explodes. That looks almost exactly like what multiple (as in a thousand) gunshots would do to that car. I don't know if anyone was in that car. But imagine if someone was. Still call what the Israelis are doing "disproportionate"? Still think that attacks preceeded by warnings that target Hezbollah rocketeers is "disproportionate" to the indiscriminate firing of Katyushas on civilians?

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Update: Bush/Saudi Arabian Meeting

Just saw on Fox News the results of the meeting. Essentially the Saudis are asking President Bush to do something to slow the Israelis campaign in Lebananon while at the same time try to eliminate the threat of Hezbollah.

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Sleeper Hizbullah Cells Overseas Have Rreawakened'

Found this over at the Jerusalem Post. They're reporting that Israel Security Intelgence has learned that overseas sleeper-cells have been reactivated with the possiblity of striking Jewish and Iraqi interests.

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Bush Meeting Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister

Just saw on Fox News that Bush just flew back to Washington D.C. from his Crawford, TX ranch. His about to meet with the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister. The Saudis have been strangely quiet during the last few weeks. They seem to be on the side against terrorism at the royal level, but they fear alot of the extremists in their own country who frequently support Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, and the like.

Sitting down and talking with the U.S. President is probably not going to be received well among Saudi citizens. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

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SITRAP: Middle East

I'm going to start a new type of post called the SITRAP. This is a term which I believe has its roots in the military. Its basically short for "situation report" or "situation wrap-up".

So here's the SITRAP on the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict:
  • Peretz: Hezbollah fired 2,200 rockets at Israel; half of them hit towns (Haaretz) as of 13:30 Israeli time Sunday.
  • Rocket attacks continue all across Israel with what appears to be an emphasis on the port city of Haifa.
  • The IAF continues to attack Hezbollah targets (rocket launchers, etc.), major roads in and out of the country, and targets in Beirut, Lebanon.
  • The IDF now has control of Maroun al-Ras in south Lebanon.
  • U.S. consul says American evacuation from Lebanon nearly complete (AP) as of 14:00 Israeli time Sunday.
  • Lebanese Foreign Minister has reported that the IDF soldies being held hostage by Hezbollah are in good physical condition.
  • Syria has said they would join the fight against Israel if IDF gets too close to Syrian border, while at the same time offers a willingness to enter into talk to draw down the situation.
  • US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on her way to the Middle East to work with powers in the region. These powers do not include Syria, because as Rice says Syria knows what it needs to do.

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Peace Activist BullS***

Ok, I'm getting really fed up with these peace at all costs types. I was looking through Technorati posts on the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict and found this quote of the day from someone else's blog (I'm not going to even link to the idiot's blog, because I don't EoE to be related in any manor to this site). Here's the quote:
"Mankind must remember that peace is not God's gift to his creatures; peace is our gift to each other."
- Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize winner (1986.)

I am an Anglican Christian (Church of England, or traditional Episcopalian, depending on what country you're reading from). This quote is by far the most arrogant statement I have ever heard! This is the same crowd that will tell you that if we just "sit and talk" we'll solve every problem in the world. This is total BS. This is the same crowd that preaches constant tolerance as long as you agree with them.

Peace is not our gift to each other. Mankind is sinful by nature. Almost every religion in the world will tell you that. Mankind cannot reach peace on it's own. I don't care how many UN special envoys, human rights groups, mediators, and Judge Judys you get in the debate. Real peace is not of mankind. And therefore cannot be given by mankind.

Stop your arrogance/ignorance of the human race.

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Hezbollah Willing to Talk

Well, this could be an interesting development. Acording to the Jeruselam Post toHizbullah agreed to allow the Lebanese government to begin negotiations regarding kidnapped IDF soldiers, according to speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri on Sunday afternoon.

The question is whether or not this is just Hezbollah looking for a way to make the same request of Israel releasing all the terrorist prisoners. If that's the case then no negotiation will happen.

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Turning Point

Ladies and Gentlemen, as I write this post it is a little before nine in the morning over in Israel. The Palestinian Authority is desperate for a letup in the siege in Gaza. Israel has amassed a huge number of IDF forces at the border. Syria has said they are open to talks with the US to defuse the situation in Lebanon. And Hezbollah does what they do best, death and destruction.

Within a matter of hours, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will be starting a round of meetings intended to bring an eventual and positive end to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

What happens within the next 48 hours will decide the fate of this conflict. Will we truly have an all out world war? Or will we have a gradual slowdown of hostilities allowing Israel to live in security from Hezbollah, and Lebanon in peace and freedom?

Pay attention to what happens.

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On Body Counts in War

Ever since the Vietnam War the key thing that media reports is the body count of a conflict. No care about the objective. No care about what the results are. And even more important, no care about what those individuals meant to their loved ones.

This has been especially true with United States' War on Terrorism since September 11th, 2001. Even with that event itself everyone was immediately talking about how many died in the attack. They were so worried that the exact count of dead bodies that they hardly ever asked "why". Sure, occasionally people would get close to asking that question but it was usually in the context of what did Americans do to cause this.

In reporting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the media always reports x number dead civilians and x number dead US soldiers. And then as the American dead in Iraq approached 1,000 and then 2,000 all the media did was say "a milestone has been reached". White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow was criticized a few weeks ago when he said 2,000 was just a number. I say Snow was right on with that comment. 2,000 is just a number. It is almost as if the numbers are more important than the people dieing.

The same seems to be going on with the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict. The United Nations, the French, the Russians, and so many others keep pointing to the 300+ dead Lebanese being so different from the 30+ dead Israelis. It's a constant drumbeat of "the poor Lebanese, they've lost more than 300 civilians." But there has hardly been anything about the poor Israelis who've lost more than 30 civilians. And when asked about it they point to this 1 to 10 ratio and say that its only the Lebanese who are suffering.

Are you telling me that the only way that someone's death is a tragedy is if they die along side more people than someone else? Do the families of the 30 dead mourn any less than the families of the 300 dead? Do the injured among the 30 dead suffer any less than the injured among the 300 dead? No, they don't! This is why using body counts in war is the worst idea ever of modern news. It turns those who die in small groups into a less of a tragedy than those who die in large groups. And in the case of the war in Iraq, it turns the first person who died in combat into less of a tragedy than the 2,000th person to die in combat.

People are individuals. Not a collection of numbers. They each have their own lives, their own families and friends, their own stories. Numbers are for politics, people are for real life. If you care about numbers go look at the tickers at Michael Moore's and's websites. If you care about people go talk to the families of those who have been killed in Lebanon and Israel. To the media, and to everyone, I challenge you to talk about the Israeli civilian tragedies the same way you talk about the Lebanese civilian tragedies. Stop with the soundbites about who has suffered more. Stop with a simple listing of the numbers the same way you list how the stock markets did today. Talk about the results of the combat. Talk about all of the objectives. Talk about the people who were killed on both sides of the border.

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Breaking: Palestinian Militants Agree to Stop Firing Rockets

FoxNews is reporting just now that a Palestinian Authority has said that militants in Gaza have agreed to stop firing rockets on Israeli civlian targets if Israel backs off on attacks and incursions in Gaza.

So far the only thing I've been able to find on this is the news ticker:

"18:32 Senior PA officials: Militants in Gaza agreed to stop firing rockets
at Israel (AP)"

Update: Here's a link to a Fox News article with more details about this development. The PA is the one saying that this offer exists, but the terrorist groups (Hamas, Al Aqsua Martyrs Brigade, and Islamic Jihad) are saying that they haven't agreed to any such offer.

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Syria on High Alert, Iranian Commander Controls Hezbollah

Found this bit of information over at Debka File. Apparently Syria is now on high alert (can't say I blame them). They have pilots in cockpits on the runway as we speak. The interesting part is that this has been done in response to an Iranian move in Lebanon.

"Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander Brig.-Gen Yahya Rahim Safavi (picture) assumed command of the Lebanon war from Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah."
Debka File Article
So it looks like Iran doesn't approve of Nasrallah's methods so far. If this is true, then the question is whether Iran thinks Hezbollah has been too strong or too weak. Given Iran's feelings towards the state of Israel I would say that Iran wants more to happen.

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Israeli Commander Says 100 Hezbollah Dead

According to Israeli IDF commanders, around 100 Hezbollah fighters have been killed by Israeli operations over the last 9 days.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz really does a good job at summing up the Hezbollah tactics:
"This war is difficult and complex. The enemy has no restraints, moral or otherwise, and no responsibility for the country it is destroying. The 'protector of Lebanon' is destroying Lebanon."
- article
He also says:
"Hizbullah does not publish its dead or damage and has lied to the media are indicative [of its condition]."
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From the Ticker: Senior Hezbollah Officers Hit

There's a report from's news ticker reporting the below:

"18:23 Intelligence sources: We hit senior Hezbollah officials (Channel 10)"
- News Ticker
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Embryonic Stem Cell Research: A Constitutional Issue

This week President George W. Bush used the first veto of his presidency to veto a bill that would have provided federal government funding for stem cell research. This bill passed by an unusual bipartisan majority of more than 60 votes.

I support the president completely on his veto. But I'm going to define to you why I'm against embryonic stem cell research for moral and religious reasons. Everyone has heard the endless reasons that coincide heavily with the pro-life/anti-abortion crowd (that these embryos are human life and shouldn't be sacrificed for experiments). Instead I see it as a constitutional issue.

First, look at what the bill was going to do. It was going to use federal tax dollars to assist with the advancement of scientific research in the field of embryonic stem cells. This was done with the idea in mind that it could possible cure many of the world's worst diseases including many neurological diseases like Alzheimer's, paralysis, and many others. Curing these diseases is truly an admirable goal. I have family members who suffer from Alzheimer's and would love nothing less than to cure a disease that takes its toll not just on the person afflicted with it but also on their spouses. This bill would be using taxes that every American citizen pays for this program.

But embryonic stem cell research is considered by a great number of people out there to be a morally and ethically wrong process. It offends them at a level beyond any law. It offends them on religious and and moral grounds. So why should these people be forced to pay for something that they find completely immoral. Completely offensive. Completely wrong.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
- US Constitution, First Amendment, anti-establishment and free exercise clauses

The above is the exact quote of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. By forcing people who have a religious objection to embryonic stem cell research to pay for this process wouldn't we be violating their rights under this amendment? Wouldn't we be prohibiting the free exercise of religion in their lives? I have religious reasons for not supporting this research bill. If my money that I worked for and paid to the IRS each April 15th went to embryonic stem cell research I would be contributing to something that is religiously wrong for me. But it is the federal government forcing me to do it thus prohibiting me from following my religious beliefs.

So for constitutional reasons as basic as freedom of religion, embryonic stem cell research should not be funded by the federal government. Let the free market support it. It has done an amazing job so far and is expected to grow into a 10 billion dollar business within the next decade. And people who have no religious or moral objection will contribute to this industry, as is their right. And I will be able to freely exercise my religious beliefs, as is my right.

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Comics: Pat Oliphant on Hezbollah and Lebanon

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U Post Hit at Israel-Lebanon Border

The UN post that was established to observe the "Blue Line" between Israel and Lebanon was hit during a cross-fire between Hezbollah forces and the Israeli military.

Israel claims that the post was hit by Hezbollah fire, however, the UN officials at the post claim it was an Israeli artillery shell.

There was severe damage to the post, however there are no injuries reported.

This post has been at the border for around a decade I believe, however has done nothing to stop Hezbollah rocket attacks from the vicinity.

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Israel pull out of Mughazi camp in Gaza Strip

Just saw this on the news ticker.

"04:15 IDF troops pull out of Mughazi camp in Gaza Strip (AP)"
- news ticker
Some interesting developments going on over there.

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Thousands of IDF troops operating in S. Lebanon

Found this over at

"Thousands of Israeli troops are operating in south Lebanon where they are targetting Hezbollah positions. Among their activities, they are searching for tunnels dug by Hezbollah militants. According to the army, Hezbollah fighters have taken refuge inside these tunnels - often dug under homes in villages - along with their rockets, and that they occasionally emerge to fire one into Israel."
- article
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Nasrallah Still Alive

Nasrallah crawled out to his private TV station, al-Mansar earlier to confirm that he was not killed. That's about the only information that can be counted as most likely true in the interview however.

Nasrallah claimed that none of the leadership of Hezbollah has been harmed, and that the Israeli estimate of destroying half of the Hezbollah infrastructure is far from true.

Considering that this was an interview done by a reporter from al-Mansar (a Hezbollah run TV station) there's no real way to confirm these claims. Do you really think he's going to say "yes, our rockets are almost gone and half my staff is dead"?

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Hezbollah Hiding Munitions in Mosque

Israeli solid's reported finding munitions in a Masque in Maroun a-Ras. I believe that this is an illegal act (as in war crimes).
"Soldiers operating in Maroun a-Ras reported finding rocket launchers,
explosives and other weapons in a mosque there." - Jerusalem Post
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The Dumbest Idea Yet

This has got to be the dumbest idea that I've heard yet.

"Hundreds of people are being killed over prisioners. Israel wants their prisioners freed and so does Palestine. Why not solve this situation while giving both sides an opportunity to save face. Basically, instead of giving back prisioners back to their countries, why not have the Americas hold the prisioners of both groups in excile in Hawaii. We can guard the prisioners in Hawaii but they will be house guarded and free from an actual prision. Neither Israel or Palestine will have to give into threats and both sides will have saved face."
- Ann Adams of

This isn't just about prisoners. It's about security for the state of Israel. Hezbollah has been operating unencombered in the southern region of Lebanon since the Cedar Revolution. They started launching rockets into Israel over the "Blue Line" back in December of 2005. Israel intends to put a stop to that as well as the security risk of Hezbollah kidnappings and many other terrorist activities that they have used since the 1970's.

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Israel To Let Humanitarian Aid into Lebanon

Just saw this flash across the news ticker at

"20:53 PM Olmert allows humanitarian aid to flow into Lebanon (Haaretz)"

I'll try and find an article to post on this as quickly as I can.

Update, I found an article at

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Annan Criticizes Both Sides in Conflict

What about the Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israeli cities that have been going on since December 2005? The only thing Annan did was tell the Lebanese Government (who had just finished the Cedar Revolution to drive Syria out of their country) to extend better control over their southern terratory. He didn't condemn Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. He didn't criticize Hezbollah for terrorist activities since the 1970's.

Coffee Grinder: Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah

Here's every bit of information I could find on the terrorist organization Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah.

This is far from a political organization, and Nasrallah is far from a political leader. To say so is to say that people like Charles Manson and Osama bin Laden are political leaders. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Nasrallah is a terrorist. They are not interested in peace. They are interested in the destruction of anything that does not reflect their form of Islam. This includes the destruction of Israel, anything Jewish, and anything western.

So here's the Coffee Grinder for Nasrallah and Hezbollah.

  • In the aftermath of the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri (sometimes referred to as the Cedar Revolution or Lebanon's Cedar Spring), Nasrallah initiated several large demonstrations expressing support for the Syrian government.
  • In 1975, the civil war in Lebanon forced the 15 year old Nasrallah and his family to move to their ancestral home in the South Lebanese village of Al Bazuriyah. Here he joined the Amal Movement (Harakat Amal became one of the most important Shi'ite Muslim militias during the Lebanese Civil War).
  • After the Israeli invasion in 1982, Nasrallah joined Hezbollah to dedicate himself to the resistance of the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley.
  • Hezbollah was "inspired by the success of the Iranian Revolution"and was formed primarily to combat Israeli occupation following the 1982 Lebanon War.
  • After emerging during the civil war of the early 1980s as an Iranian-sponsored second resistance movement (besides Amal) for Lebanon's Shia community, Hezbollah focused on expelling Israeli and Western forces from Lebanon. It is the principal suspect[citation needed] in several notable attacks on United States, French and Italian Multinational forces, whose stated purpose was the stabilization of Lebanon.
  • The continued existence of Hezbollah's military wing after 1990 violates the Taif Agreement that ended the Lebanese civil war, which requires the "disbanding of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias" and requires the government to "deploy the Lebanese army in the border area adjacent to Israel."
  • On May 25, 2000, Israel withdrew from Lebanon to the UN-agreed Israeli border, and their pullout was certified by the UN as complete. Lebanon and Syria claim the Shebaa Farms, a 35 km² area, to be occupied Lebanese territory despite the UN ruling, and on that basis Hezbollah has continued to engage Israeli forces in that area.
  • Hezbollah says Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon proves that the Jewish state only understands the language of resistance. They defend their right to keep their weapons as a deterrent against Israeli attack, to liberate the disputed Shebaa Farms border area, which is occupied (according to Hezbollah) by Israel.
  • Hezbollah abducted three Israel Defense Forces soldiers during an October 2000 attack in Shebaa Farms, and sought to obtain the release of 14 Lebanese prisoners, some of whom had been held since 1978. On January 25, 2004, Hezbollah successfully negotiated an exchange of prisoners with Israel, through German mediators. The prisoner swap was carried out on January 29: 30 Lebanese and Arab prisoners, the remains of 60 Lebanese militants and civilians, 420 Palestinian prisoners, and maps showing Israeli mines in South Lebanon were exchanged for an Israeli businessman and army reserve colonel Elchanan Tenenbaum kidnapped in 2001 and the remains of the three Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers mentioned above, who were killed either during the Hezbollah operation, or in its immediate aftermath.
  • In 2001 Jordan arrested three Hezbollah members attempting to smuggle Katyusha rockets into the West Bank. Nasrallah responded that "it is a duty to send arms to Palestinians from any possible place."
  • On February 9, 2005 Palestinian Authority officials blamed Hezbollah of attempting to derail the recent truce between Israel and Palestine by offering increased funding and bonuses to the militant cells it operates in Israel for any attack they carry out.
  • On September 2, 2004, the UN Security Council adopted UN Security Council Resolution 1559, coauthored by France and the United States. Echoing the Taif Agreement, the resolution "calls upon all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon" and "for the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias." Lebanon is currently in violation of Resolution 1559 over its refusal to disband the military wing of Hezbollah.
  • On October 7, 2004 the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan reported to the Security Council regarding the lack of compliance with Resolution 1559. Mr. Annan concluded his report by saying: "It is time, 14 years after the end of hostilities and four years after the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, for all parties concerned to set aside the remaining vestiges of the past. The withdrawal of foreign forces and the disbandment and disarmament of militias would, with finality, end that sad chapter of Lebanese history."
  • The Council has recognized the Blue Line (the border between Israel and Lebanon) as valid for purposes of confirming Israel’s withdrawal pursuant to resolution 425 (1978).
  • During 2002, 2003 and 2004, the Israeli Security Forces thwarted numerous suicide bombing attacks, some of which Israel claims were planned and funded by Hezbollah and were to have been carried out by Tanzim (Fatah's armed wing) activists.
  • On November 21, 2005 Hezbollah launched a heavy attack along the entire border with Israel which was intended to provide tactical cover for a squad of Hezbollah special forces attempting to abduct Israeli troops from the Israeli side of the village of Al-Ghajar.
  • On December 27, 2005 BM-21 Grad rockets fired from Hezbollah territory smashed into houses in the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona wounding three people.
  • Hezbollah claims that it forbids its fighters entry into Iraq for any reason, and that no Hezbollah units or individual fighters have entered Iraq to support any Iraqi faction fighting the United States. However, on April 2, 2004, Muqtada al-Sadr announced his intention to form chapters of Hezbollah and Hamas in Iraq. He is not known to have consulted Hezbollah or Hamas before making this statement.
  • In 2004 the Dutch internal security agency AIVD, concluded: "Investigations have shown that Hezbollah’s militant wing, the Hezbollah External Security Organization, has been directly and indirectly involved in terrorist acts. It can also be concluded that Hezbollah’s political and terrorist wings are controlled by one coordinating council. This means that
    there is indeed a link between these parts of the organization. The Netherlands has changed its policy and no longer makes a distinction between the political and terrorist Hezbollah branches. The Netherlands informed the relevant EU bodies of its findings."
  • Hezbollah supports the destruction of the state of Israel and co-operates with other militant Islamic organizations such as Hamas in order to promote this goal.
  • The conflict with Israel is viewed as a central concern. This is not only limited to the IDF presence in Lebanon. Rather, the complete destruction of the State of Israel and the establishment of Islamic rule over Jerusalem is an expressed goal.
  • Hezbollah operates a satellite television station from Lebanon, Al-Manar TV ("the Lighthouse") as well as a radio station, al-Nour ("the light"). Qubth Ut Alla ("The Fist of God") is the monthly magazine of Hezbollah's paramilitary wing. It has been accused of promoting religious and racial hatred (against Jews).
  • The Hezbollah Central Internet Bureau in 2003 released a video game titled Special Force, intended to simulate Arab-Israeli conflicts from an Arab perspective.
  • Hezbollah has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Canada, Israel and Australia.
  • In a non-binding resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 10 March 2005, the MEPs urged the EU Council to brand Hezbollah a terrorist organization. However, the Council has so far been reluctant to do so, as France, Spain, and Britain fear that such a move would further damage the prospects for Middle East peace talks.
  • The United Nations has called for the disbanding of Hezbollah's military wing in UN Security Council Resolution 1559.
  • Hezbollah has denounced some acts of terror, such as the September 11 attacks, GIA massacres in Algeria, Armed Islamic Group attacks on tourists in Egypt, and the murder of Nick Berg. However, it expresses support and sympathyfor the activities of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Islamist groups responsible for suicide attacks and armed resistance in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Much of this information comes from the following Wikipedia links:

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The Coffee Grinder

I'm going to start a new section here at Ed on Everything. It's called the "Coffee Grinder".

Q: So, what is the Coffee Grinder?
A: I'm a huge coffee drinker. I drink all sorts of coffees and I make most of them myself (Starbucks is just too expensive). So I use on a regular basis a coffee grinder similar to what you see here. In the context of this blog the Coffee Grinder will be posts in which I pick something or someone that represents real stupidity and hypocricy and do tons and tons of research on that particular topic.

Q: Why use a coffee grinder?
A: Two answers, 1) it's my blog and I like coffee, 2) I wanted something unique that I thought would also entertain you readers. A really good coffee grinder will grind every single coffee bean to the same size of dust on. Not a single roasted bean survives. And on the other side of the grinder you get truely premium coffee grounds for a damn good cup of coffee. The same will happen here in the Coffee Grinder section. Everything about what is being talked about will be displayed. Information that you may have known, information that you may not have known. But it will all come out as uniformly sized dust by the end of the grinding.

So there you go, keep an eye out for my first grinding. It will probably be Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

Jordan Alerts Israel of Large Hamas Attack

Debka File is reporting that Jordanian military intellegence relayed information of a large-scale attack that Hamas had recruited a bomb team in Jordan to be used in Israel. Potential targets include the southern port of Eilat, its Arava main road link to the north, the Dead Sea, or the Beit Shean Valley on the Jordan River.

This information resulted in the closure of the West Bank.

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U.S. Marines Land in Lebanon for Evac of Americans

Found this great AP photo on

That's the real image of American Armed Forces!

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Breaking: US Marines on the Ground in Lebanon

I'm seeing reports from CNN and FoxNews of US Marines on the ground in Lebanon to comence rescue operations for US citizens. CNN just showed a video clip of Marines unloading from a beach boarding craft.

This is the first time US Marines have been on the ground in Lebanon since the terrorist group Hezbollah bombed the Marine Base in Lebanon in the early eighties.

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Hizballah Activity in North America

Found this over at the CounterTerrorism Blog. It's a list of many of the current court cases involving possible Hezbollah terrorists in the United States.

These are cases involving fundraising, racketeering, money laundering, weapons, tax evasion, drugs, Mexican human trafficking, conspiracy, and various forms of fraud.

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Update: 23 Ton Bombing of Hezbollah Bunker

Hezbollah's TV station, Al Mansar, known for journalistic excellence and for being "unfair, and unbalanced" said that none of the Hezbollah leaders where in the bunker attacked by Israeli Air Force earlier this morning.

In fact, claims the Hezbollah propaganda...I mean news outlet, it was actually a masque that was under construction that was hit.

I'm curious, how many mosques are built 100 feet below ground by the Iranians? This kind of denial on the part of a terrorist group is usually a pretty good sign that there was some really important people in that bunker.

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Breaking: 23 Tons of Bombs Aimed At Hezbollah Head

There are reports now that the 23 Tons of bombs may have killed the head of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah.

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