Monday, August 28, 2006

Bad Day for the Moonbats

Richard Armitage, former number 2 at the State Department, has now been revealed as the first person to reveal the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame. This has created a really bad day for the moonbats.

The entire premise of the moonbats' gripe about the supposed Plame leak is that it was a systematic campaign to attack Plame's husband, Joe Wilson (who criticized the administration's intel on Saddam Hussein's attempts to gain atomic weapons technology), and to put Plame herself in danger as a supposedly covert employee of the CIA.

This takes away the motive for the above argument since the US State Department (including Colin Powell and Richard Armitage) was in a political rivalry with the White House ever since the Iraq war. It would have been in the State Department's best political interests to allow Wilson to continue criticizing the White House. There is no reason for Armitage to intentionally leak Plame to the press.

So now the Plame leak investigation can no longer be used against the White House without ignoring the facts. Oh wait, I am talking about barking moonbats here. The facts don't matter in their world.

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