Sunday, July 23, 2006

Peace Activist BullS***

Ok, I'm getting really fed up with these peace at all costs types. I was looking through Technorati posts on the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict and found this quote of the day from someone else's blog (I'm not going to even link to the idiot's blog, because I don't EoE to be related in any manor to this site). Here's the quote:
"Mankind must remember that peace is not God's gift to his creatures; peace is our gift to each other."
- Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize winner (1986.)

I am an Anglican Christian (Church of England, or traditional Episcopalian, depending on what country you're reading from). This quote is by far the most arrogant statement I have ever heard! This is the same crowd that will tell you that if we just "sit and talk" we'll solve every problem in the world. This is total BS. This is the same crowd that preaches constant tolerance as long as you agree with them.

Peace is not our gift to each other. Mankind is sinful by nature. Almost every religion in the world will tell you that. Mankind cannot reach peace on it's own. I don't care how many UN special envoys, human rights groups, mediators, and Judge Judys you get in the debate. Real peace is not of mankind. And therefore cannot be given by mankind.

Stop your arrogance/ignorance of the human race.

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At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post and exactly right! The idea that man is super-capable is at the root of the hubris that there is no need for God.

It's the underlying theme for anthropological causation of global warming (man can change his climate), and the elimination of absolute truth.

There is no peace separate from God.


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