Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Single Malt Conservatives Blog Launched

My buddy Toothpick Johnny and I have decided to consolidate our two blogs Ed on Everything and Toothpick Johnny Presents. Together we'll be giving the barking moonbats, the foil hat brigades, and the general idiocy in the world a real run for the money.

On a daily basis we'll be serving up fried moonbat wrapped in a foil pouch. All while drinking fine single malt scotches.

You can find the Single Malt Conservatives here at:

Fauxtography For Couric Promo Photos

Looks like the Fauxtography people fired from Reuters are now working over at CBS News in their promo department. Take a look at these two pictures. The one on the left was released earlier this year. The one on the right is a modified version of the left photo from the September issue of Watch magazine which is owned by CBS.

Here's the original article from TV Newser.

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Kerry Still Crying About 2004

John Kerry, desperate for media spotlight, is raising allegations of election improprieties by the Ohio state official in charge of elections for that state.

"He used the power of his state office to try to intimidate Ohioans and suppress the Democratic vote," - Email Sent by Kerry to Democratic Donors

When is John Kerry going to give it up and realize that he lost? The American people voted. They saw you, and they saw President Bush. And they chose President Bush. You lost. Time to go home and eat some more ketchup.

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Couric Gets Bush for First Interview

Well, Couric may keep her ratings up for one extra day now that she has landed an interview with President Bush. Couric will be interviewing the President for a CBS primetime special "Five Years Later - How Safe Are We?"

Excerpts from the interview will be aired on Katies first night as the new CBS Evening News Anchor. It'll be interesting to see what kind of "hard hitting" questions she comes up with for the President.

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Saddam Made to Watch South Park Movie

Apparently former Iraqi Dictator, Saddam Hussein has been made to watch the movie "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut" repeatedly while being held in prison.
"The deposed leader on trial in Iraq was featured in the movie spin-off as the lover of the devil. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut featured Hussein and Satan attempting to take over the world together." - Yahoo! News Article
I have to admit, I've never seen the movie. But this picture says it all. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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"Imadamnutjob" of Iran Challenges Bush to Debate

President "Imadamnutjob" of Iran challenged President Bush to a public debate about world affairs and how to resolve them today.

I'm curious as to how you debate with someone who still doesn't believe the Holocaust happend, and his answer to everything is either "death to Israel" or "death to America"? This same question needs to be asked in the negotiations with this short terrorist as well about the Iranian nuclear program.

Here's the link to the original Reuters article.

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Monday, August 28, 2006

Bad Day for the Moonbats

Richard Armitage, former number 2 at the State Department, has now been revealed as the first person to reveal the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame. This has created a really bad day for the moonbats.

The entire premise of the moonbats' gripe about the supposed Plame leak is that it was a systematic campaign to attack Plame's husband, Joe Wilson (who criticized the administration's intel on Saddam Hussein's attempts to gain atomic weapons technology), and to put Plame herself in danger as a supposedly covert employee of the CIA.

This takes away the motive for the above argument since the US State Department (including Colin Powell and Richard Armitage) was in a political rivalry with the White House ever since the Iraq war. It would have been in the State Department's best political interests to allow Wilson to continue criticizing the White House. There is no reason for Armitage to intentionally leak Plame to the press.

So now the Plame leak investigation can no longer be used against the White House without ignoring the facts. Oh wait, I am talking about barking moonbats here. The facts don't matter in their world.

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Did Reuters Do It Again?

JawaReport has got some interesting points in regards to the Reuters news truck that was supposedly hit by an Israel missile in Gaza. Looking at this picture it certainly didn't take a direct hit from a missile.

I'm not a military expert, but I do study some aspects of military weapons. The hole in that roof was not created by a missile hit. But it could have been hit by shrapnel from a missile. If it was shrapnel then the missile either:
  1. Exploded above the vehicle throwing shrapnel down on to the vehicle. However, there would most likely be more damage than that one hole.
  2. Exploded a fair distance away from the vehicle throwing shrapnel up in an arc and happened to hit a vehicle that was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Dems Trying to Distance Themselves From Northeast

Biden just can't seem to keep from stepping it can he? When asked about his chances of winning the Southern states in the 2008 Democratic Primary he said this:

"Better than anybody else...You don't know my state, My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state has the eighth-largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a Northeast liberal state." - AP Article via Yahoo! News

It looks like Democrats are starting to realize that the whole country isn't made up of nothing but Massachusetts and California liberals. And now they're running like crazy tripping over each other to appeal to the "Red States" found mostly in the South (known as fly over country to the Northeast coast democrats).

But here's the problem they have now. They've got the Netroots Mafia threatening to politically assassinate any democrat who doesn't subscribe to their views. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for these guys. They have to choose between trying to get elected by moving to the center and trying to keep from being booted out of their party Lamont style by moving to the left.

This is going to be interesting this fall and in 2008.

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Couric Doomed For Failure

I saw over on Drudge Report that Walter Cronkite, one of the best known names in broadcast journalism, is going to be "crowning" Katie Couric as the queen of CBS News. The text of the Drudge Report story is below. The story says that there are going to be a huge number of well known people on Couric's first night which is scheduled for Tuesday next week (September 5th).

If you have to have this much hype over a new news anchor then there is a huge problem with the anchor. Brian Williams and Charlie Gibson didn't get any kind of fanfare for their installment into the anchor chair. They simply showed up and sat in the chair. News anchors are not celebrities. They never have been. But with Katie Couric it has been almost like picking the next American Idol.

My prediction is that there will be a couple of spikes in ratings. One of them will be next Tuesday because everyone will want to see what the hype was all about. But after all sycophantic stupidity in the broadcast journalism arena is over the ratings will once again bottom out. I would be willing to bet even that the ratings sink below the lowest ratings during Dan Rather's Memogate.

Drudge Report Article:

Walter Cronkite will introduce Katic Couric on the new CBS EVENING NEWS next week, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. Cronkite is just one of many superstars, and broadcast legends, that will help the former TODAY host splash onto the nightly news scene.

"It's going to be a who's who of Americana," a top CBS source said on Sunday.

Cronkite will do the introduction of Couric on opening night only, the source said.

CBS brass dismiss the suggestion that adding Cronkite is an attention-grabbing stunt.

"This is a bold statement of continuity and 'trust,' a commitment to the quality of the CBS EVENING NEWS," a top insider explained.

But there are signs mainline print media are prepared to pounce on the all-star nature of Couric's rollout.

VARIETY editor Peter Bart in a column on Monday warned: "I realize media companies need to overhype everything, whether it's a new 'Pirates' movie or another faux 'American Idol'... but all this may be doing a disservice both to Couric's credibility and to network news... Will Couric actually tell us what's happening in the world or will she preside over a sort of mini-'Today' show, complete with its well-worn couch?"

Kurt Andersen in NEW YORK will applaud the coming Era Of Couric:

"Making Couric the anchor and de facto face of CBS NEWS is a very smart, potentially even visionary choice... the real brilliance is that she's the first network anchor to have a quick, smart, mischievous sense of humor as a major part of her personal persona," Andersen explains.

"If it's possible to rejuvenate TV news, Couric is among the last best hopes."

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Tale of Two HurricanesKatrina And Rita

This evening I was watching the ABC Evening News and they spent almost the entire half hour talking about Hurricane Katrina and the approaching one year anniversary. The first two segments were spent talking about what progress (or lack there of) there has been in the recovery of the areas impacted by that deadly hurricane. There is no denying that Hurricane Katrina was one of the biggest (if not the biggest) disaster in geographic, economic, and societal scope that this country has ever seen.

ABC News chose to spend half of there thirty minutes (minus commercials for cholesterol and heart burn pharmaceuticals) complaining about what little the federal government (aka: Bush Administration) has done. They did a huge break down of everything that President Bush said he would do, and what has been done so far. Among those things that were promised and not delivered until very recently was assistance for rebuilding homes. The implication was that it is the federal government's responsibility to rebuild those homes.

One hurricane that many people forget about is Hurricane Rita which hit only a couple of weeks after Katrina in South East Texas. An area that opened its doors to Katrina evacuees. Hurricane Rita reached category 5 before crashing into the Gulf Coast. Though it diminished in strength quickly upon landfall it caused extensive damage. I know this because I lived through it. I was in South East Texas as Rita passed over head. And I was in South East Texas to help cleanup the aftermath.

We didn't wait around for government aid. In fact we had local government telling us to stay out of the area for at least two weeks. The people of our community didn't listen because we know that if you rely on the government for things of importance you are setting yourself up for failure. We didn't wait for our FEMA checks, we didn't wait for our SBA loans, or for the Army Corps of Engineers. We got in there, we picked up what tools we had left, and we got to work. We repaired our own homes. We cleared our own debris. And we did it ourselves.

That, laddies and gentlemen, is the American spirit. We don't wait around for someone else to do something for us. We get in there and do it ourselves. And if someone helps, we thank them and work along with them. We don't say "it's about damn time you got here." We say "thank you for helping me".

So instead of whining about how the federal government has messed something up (a trait that has plagued the federal government through any administration), mourn what happened a year ago, mourn those that died. But above all, do something about it.

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Survivor: Middle East

The next Survivor season after Survivor: Segregation Island.

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Fox News Journalists Released

Fox News journalists Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig have been released by the terrorist group Holy Jihad Brigades after being held hostage for almost two weeks. This release came shortly after a video was released by the terrorist group showing Centanni and Wiig reading a statement of conversion to Islam.

It was later revealed by Centanni that this statement was done at gunpoint.
"We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni told FOX News. "Don't get me wrong here. I have the highest respect for Islam, and I learned a lot of good things about it, but it was something we felt we had to do because they had the guns, and we didn't know what the hell was going on." - FoxNews.com Article
Whatever your views of Islam and whether or not it is a religion of peace are irrelavant. The fact is this is what these terrorist groups want. To convert the entire world to Islam by any means necessary. It is a convert or die policy. Convert to the ideals of the Taliban. Live the life of pre-2001 Afgahnistan, or die. This is what we are up against folks.

During the Cold War there were two comflicting viewpoints in America as to how to deal with the Communist Union. One side said "better Red than Dead". The other said "better Dead than Red". Now we face a new set of conflicting views. "Better Taliban than Dead" or "better Dead than Taliban".

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Video: All Your Fakes Are Belong to US

Here is a great video from the Jawa Report that is spoofing the old "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" video by adding a Fauxtography theme staring the Green Helmet Guy.

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Terrorists Fund Trip for Democratic Congressman

To hell with the Abramof scandal. Here's one that is far worse than. Illinois congressman Danny Davis and an aide took a trip to Sri Lanka last year that was paid for by the Tamil Tigers. The Tamil Tigers are a group officially classified by the US Government as a terrorist organization.

The Tamil Tigers use suicide bombers and child soldiers. Talk about your culture of corruption! Abramof was lobbying on behalf of Native American groups, these guys are lobbying so they can continue killing innocent civilians!

So what of it Palosi? Still think it's the Republican party that's corrupt? Word of advice, check your own house first. You might find worse problems there.

Here's the link to the full article.

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DailyKos Compare Iraq Civilian Deaths to Pro-Life Stance

Saw this little statement over at the DailyKos website. They compare the death of Iraqi children as a result of the war in Iraq to the use of embryonic stem cells in medical research. They just don't get it.

Here's the problem with this comparison guys. The death of civilians in Iraq is not intentional (though that does not make the death any less tragic or more comforting to their loved ones). But what you're advocating with the embryonic stem cell research is to intentionally destroy the embryo (which is considered by many to be taking a life). There is never a benefit great enough to permit the intentional sacrificing of a life.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Boy Scouts Save Infant

Saw this story over on Drudge Report and thought I would make it my first post after returning from some personal business. As an Eagle Scout it always makes me proud when I hear stories like this. Boy Scouts continue to be one of the few remaining organizations in the world motivated to do true good.

"Boy Scouts' deed saves girl from drowningWed Aug 23 2006 08:49:32 ET

Some Omaha Boy Scouts are credited with a very good deed: rescuing a little girl from drowning.

At Two Rivers State Recreation Area on Saturday afternoon, 18-month-old Stephanie Pacheco slipped away from her mother and began floating face-down in the Platte River, said Duane Arp, a conservation officer with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

The OMAHA WORLD-HERALD reports: About five members of St. Cecilia's Troop 100 were swimming nearby during a camping trip to earn merit badges. Christian Nanson, 11, spotted the girl in the water and yelled to fellow Scout John Fitzgerald, 9, said assistant Scoutmaster Matt Fitzgerald. Matt and John Fitzgerald are father and son.

The two boys ran to the girl and grabbed her out of the water. "She was probably literally minutes away from a tragedy," Arp said.

Once ashore, the girl began vomiting water but started breathing. Douglas County Sheriff's Deputy David Brock said the girl was treated for hypothermia and was in intermediate care at Children's Hospital. A hospital spokeswoman declined to release Stephanie's condition Sunday afternoon.

Arp said the girl had been swimming with a group of family members but had chased after some dogs playing in the water about 3:30 p.m.

Matt Fitzgerald said all the boys in the troop remained calm during the rescue and they all helped. The two boys pulled the girl out of the water, while other Scouts located a cell phone to call for help and directed rescue."

Great job guys!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's Bush's Fault!

A really good political cartoon by Henry Payne (via Yahoo! News) that really shows the moonbat left in the Democratic Party.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lieberman Ahead of Lamont in Polls Now

Rasmussen is reporting that Joseph Lieberman (46%) now has a good lead over Ned Lamont (41%). I think this is pretty good evidence of two things that proove the DailyKos crowd wrong on two things about the Democratic primary in Connecticut.

1. It was not "people-powered" politics. People-powered politics suggests that the people as a whole voted for Lamont or against Lieberman. When polled, the people of Connecticut are saying 46 to 41 that they want Lieberman.
2. Ned Lamont is not in agreement with the bulk of the American people as DailyKos et. al. continuously says.

Here are what the facts really are in the above topics:
1. This was "foil-powered" politics that gave Lamont the Democratic nomination. It was the left wing moonbats in the self described "netroots" movement that voted for Lamont.
2. If you look at the poll you have a total of 52% against Lamont (after combining Lieberman's support with the Republican candidate). And the same applies to the DailyKos crowd. 52% of Connecticut do not see the issues the way DailyKos et. al. do. 52% of Connecticut sees the War on Terrorism and the war in Iraq differently from how Michael Moore, Cindy Shehan, and DailyKos see these issues.

Wake up moonbats. You're going to loose.

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Friday, August 11, 2006

My Snark Against The Leftists

OK folks, I'm about to go into full snark mode here. So fair warning. The leftists from groups like DailyKos, Democratic Underground, and many in the US House and Senate came pretty damn close to preventing the capture of the terrorists in London. Now, I'm not going to argue they were specifically trying to help terrorists. I don't believe, no matter how twisted their minds are, they want to help terrorists kill people.

But take a look at what was used to prevent what would have been a disaster that would make September 11th look like nothing.

These are two things that leftists would have wanted to shut down. Think back to the objections made by the left when it was learned that US intelligence agencies were listening to international phone calls and paying attention to money transfers. All the leftists were yelling at the top of their lungs trying to say how the evil Bush administration was just trying to infringe on Americans' rights and that is why the Republicans should be voted out of office.

These events prove how effective these legal programs are. These events prove how serious and real the war on terrorism is! This is not some setup in response to the Lieberman loss in Connecticut as the moonbats are barking right now. This is not to save the Republican majority in November either. So unwrap the foil from your heads and wake up to reality for once in your lives. There was, and possibly still is, a real and undeniable threat to human life out there. There is a real and undeniable group of people out there who want to kill people simply for the sake of killing people.

So to all you moonbats out there. Wake up, grow up, or get out of the way for the adults in the world. All your endless flash presentations and YouTube movies where you pose as self described experts trying desperately to prove that Bush is the source of all evil in the world is an absolute waste of time and energy. And I say that not because I think that Bush is the greatest man in the world. I say it because you people show a total lack of rationality in everything you do. When confronted with facts your only counter argument is Rove is too good at covering up the facts. Did you ever stop to think that maybe there aren't any facts to be uncovered? Did you ever stop to think that there are more facts against your argument than there are in support of it? Did you ever stop and think that maybe the reason you dogmatically pursue these conspiracy theories while playing the X-Files theme song in the background is simply because you are more devoted to your political party (whether its the Democrats or any of the countless non-GOP parties) than you are to the country?

I have a challenge for you moonbats. You claim to be the thinking people of the country (and of the world in some cases). Put your money where your mouth is and separate your hatred of Bush and those associated with him. Get out of your Fox Mulder mindset. And take a serious look at the facts that exist. And don't just look at the evidence that condemns Bush et. al. Look at the evidence that condemns terrorists. Look at the evidence that condemns the leftists. Look at the arguments that support what Bush does. Look at the arguments that support what the leftists are doing. And I mean really look at it, without the foil hats. For once think with your own brains and not the latest story worthy of a Hollywood thriller. This isn't a Hollywood thriller. This is the real world. Welcome to it.

And when in doubt just remember Occam's razor.

"entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."

In short, sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

VIDEO:Hezbollah Uses Bodies as Props in a Movie

To claim that Hezbollah cares about Lebanese civilians or any civilians is to continue to live with your head up Nasrallah's ass. Here is what we have in total:
  • Stationing of rockets from within residential areas of Lebanon.
  • Storing weapons within masques.
  • And now their PR office has officers out using the bodies of dead children to create the photo-op!

That is all the civilians of Lebanon (or any other nationality) are to Hezbollah. Civilians are nothing but props for their photo-ops. And when the civilians are dead then all the better as this video shows. It shows our favorite Green Helmet man shooting and reshooting a video clip of the dead body of boy being loaded into the back of a van. The boy is loaded once into the van for the first take, and then unloaded, and then loaded again for the second take. And in between the two takes Green Helmet makes sure that the "extras" in the scene don't get in the way of the camera and that the body of this young boy is in the perfect position for the camera.

This is the most despicable thing I have ever seen in the world. But where is the outrage against Hezbollah and other groups for employing such tactics for the camera? Where is the worldwide outcry against Hezbollah for treating the body of this child with such disrespect? Several months ago there was huge outcry for American soldiers having cremated the bodies of several dead terrorists. And the outcry was huge across the globe. But this man treats the body of an innocent child the way Hollywood directors treat the placement of a table in a movie scene.

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Where is Reuters When You Need Them?

Why couldn't Reuters photoshop this picture for us?

BREAKING:Iranians Among Hezbo Dead

Acording to Israel forces currently in southern Lebanon members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard have been found among dead Hezbollah fighters.

So here are the Iranian connections:

  • Iranian made Zilzal missiles fired at an Israeli warship.
  • Iranian made unmanned drone shot down.
  • Nasrallah hiding out in the Iranian embassy in Lebanon.
  • Now we have Iranian soldiers clearly fighting along side Hezbollah fighters.

And still Iran denies helping Hezbollah through anything other than "moral support".

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Imbalance of Peace Activists

Peace activists are almost always one sided in their attack of violence against civilians. The Internation Solidarity Movement (ISM) is going to be going to Lebanon to act as human shields against the Israeli forces trying to take out Hezbollah targets.

The imbalance of the ISM is evident in that they are not signing up to be human shields on the Israeli side of the border. Once again the "peace at all costs" crowd is showing the hypocrisy in favor of any terrorist group.

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More Fun with Photoshop

Here's an interesting photo from the New York Times. Take a close look at the man in the lower right hand corner of the photo. In particular look around the edges of his head.

Little Green Footballs spotted this irregularity, and the more I look at it the more questions come up in my mind. Here's a zoom in to that gentleman:

There are three things that I see. The first two are the same as what LGF spotted, the white material around his head and very different clothing from what the other men are wearing in the crowd. You can't see all the clothing, but what little can be seen is very similar to what the women in the crowd are wearing.

The third thing that I spotted that I don't think others have noticed is the light reflection on the forehead and the left cheek. The suggests that the primary light source is to the "man's" left. But when you look at the reflection of light on the other people the primary light source appears to be coming from the people's right. I'm not a huge expert of photoshopping, but I've worked with that software enough to know that there is something very wrong with that man's face compared to everything else in the scene.

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Is a Foil Hat Electable?

The Lieberman/Lamont primary proved one thing. That the Foil Hat Rebellion is in full force in the DNC. This was not a contest of Joe Lieberman against Ned Lamont. It was a contest between the DNC establishment and the Foil Hat types like DailyKos, Democratic Underground, George Soros, et. al.

So the Foil Hat candidates like Ned Lamont can win the Democratic primaries. And the probably will continue to win the Democratic Primaries. My question is are these Foil Hat candidates electable in a real election that involves more than just the Democrats? Can the Foil Hat candidates, with what are considered far left views, win in a general election with Republican voting and fence sitters?

I don't think that they can. I think if the DNC continues to move to the left, and continue to add new layers of tin foil to their hats, then they will loose in the general elections. It is proven by political history. Not once has a candidate that has moved further to the left or further to the right won a general election. It simply doesn't work. The far left Ned Lamonts and the far right Pat Buchanans are the minority in this country. They don't decide the results of general elections (thankfully).

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An Observation From a Conservative

I'm sure this title will gain a lot of vitriol from the DailyKos moonbat types, but what the hell I feel like starting something this morning. I want to offer my observations as a conservative of the Lieberman/Lamont primary up in Connecticut.

I have two main observations. The first is what does Lamont stand for other than pulling the troops out of Iraq? Senators can't order the troops out of Iraq, they can only stop funding the war effort. But what about the policies that a Senator does have authority to set? I haven't heard anything on how he thinks we should handle gas prices, immigration, national security, the War on Terror beyond Iraq, disaster preparedness. I've heard nothing on any of these major issues. The only sound bite I've heard has been "I want to invest in America again". OK...that's great. What do you mean by that Lamont? That's like a presidential candidate saying "put me in office because I'll help your children". OK...that's great. What about your opponent, is he just going to kick my children? No, of course not! So give me some substance. I think you would be hard pressed not to find a senator in Washington that wouldn't say "I want to invest in America again".

The second point is that this election for the DailyKos folks et. al. seems to have been more of an election against a man who's general domestic policies are of Democratic party. What I mean by that is this election does not seem to have been about choosing a better candidate for their party in November, instead it was about a candidate that wasn't Lieberman. You could have put Mickey Mouse up there as long as he said he was against the war. This wasn't about whether Lieberman or Lamont was the best candidate for Senate, instead it was about getting rid of a high profile Democrat who disagreed with the DailyKos types on the war. Just take a look at some of the headlines from both the MSM and the Foil Hat Media:

  • Yahoo! News - Lieberman loses battle over war
  • Slate Magazine - Lieberman loses-and then promises to win
  • Democratic Underground - Revenge of Irate Moderates "The rebellion against Mr. Lieberman was actually an uprising by that rare phenomenon, irate moderates."

DailyKos actually didn't have any headlines one way or the other, but their primary post was Winners/Losers bullet list. I will give them credit on this one, the first winner listed was Lamont. However where they mess up after that is calling all these other folks winners:

  • People-powered politics (translation: the Foil Hat Rebellion on the DNC)
  • "ctkeith (screen name), who was the crazy guy telling anyone who would listen that Lieberman was vulnerable."

And then the folks they list as losers:

  • The Democratic Leadership Council
  • "Every Connecticut newspaper which endorsed Lieberman."
  • "Chris Dodd. Lieberman's staunchest defender can still redeem himself if he brokers Lieberman's exit from the race."
  • "The DC beltway consultancies."

So even though DailyKos didn't have any headlines of "Lieberman Loses", the content of their primary post on this election says it all. This was the Foil Hat Rebellion in the Democratic Party, and they were more concerned about taking out their targets than they were about the aftermath of the rebellion. Their targets are simple, the DNC establishment and its sympathisers, and anyone who has ever agreed with Bush on anything (especially the war). And the only way to escape the second group is to throw yourself on the mercy of the Foil Hat Rebellion leaders at DailyKos et. al.

I believe we are going to witness a full paradigm shift in the Democratic party from a party that puts the America first in its priorities, to a party that puts hating the GOP and Bush first.

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Sad Thing About Lieberman's Accusation

Yesterday, Senator Joe Lieberman's campaign website went down. The claim on the page that was up was technical difficulties. Today the Senator's campaign claimed that someone hacked the website here on the eve of the highly publicized primary election.

But here's the really sad part about this whole event. Does anyone out there really doubt that his accusation of an overzealous Lamont supporter could in fact be the case? Does anyone doubt that one of the foilhat brigade could actually have done this? No they don't.

I'm not a Lieberman supporter or a Lamont supporter. I could care less about which person wins the Democratic primary. But here is what I do care about. As major as this primary is to the moonbats of the left such as DailyKos what happens in this race could become the blueprints for the full elections this November and for the elections to come after that. Will the DailyKos crowd now consider hacking an opponent's website a legitimate act? Will the Huffington Post crowd consider photoshopping blackface onto an opponent a legitimate act?

I worry for our political system folks. This is what the extremist, barking moonbats are doing to the politics of our country. Absolute hate of the other side simply for the sake of their single issue.

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The Press is a Lame Duck

One of the things I hear all the time from a lot of the MSM types is that the press is the fourth branch of government in the US. They elevate themselves to the level of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Branches which actually are established by the articles of the US Constitution. Branches which have a delicate balance of power between the three.

As a student of the US Constitution and the law I find the concept of a fourth branch of government absolutely absurd. And it makes it all the worse that this fourth branch is supposed to be the press. The actual structure of the government is established by the US Constitution. This structure is specifically defined and restricted by the US Constitution. But there is nothing in the Constitution which restricts the press. However, the Constitution says nothing about restriction of the press. Instead it says "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press". So to support the idea of a "Press Branch" you must support the idea of an unrestricted branch of government. A branch that does not have to respect anybody's rights, that simply does whatever the hell it wants with zero repercussions.

It is a complete absence of restriction and repercussions that the press wants. They want to tell us what they think we should consider priorities. And they don't want to be questioned in the process.

This desire has taken them from reporters of facts to power hungry individuals with their own agenda. Which agenda that is is irrelevant. Almost everyone recognizes that there is a general bias in favor of liberalism in the media, but a news producer could just as easily be biased in favor of conservatism. But the fact is there is an agenda. And we have seen it now in two major events that are too major to ignore as an isolated incident. First we saw it when Dan Rather wanted so much to give a black eye to President Bush during an election year that he neglected to verify falsified documents.

Now we see the Reuters News Service wanting so much to get pictures of the destruction in Lebanon that the horrible American backed, Israelis are doing that they will hire anyone as a photographer without verifying who they are hiring. All they do is drool over the carnage that their freelance photographers email to their editors and say "oh that's great work! All those dead bodies and thick, black smoke! That'll scare the hell out of people and show how disproportionate the American backed Israelis are!" Once again the press is so blinded by their desire to prove how horrible the Americans (and more specifically Bush) are that they don't stop to think that they might be wrong.

This is the hazard that politicians run into when on the campaign trail. They get a tip that their opponent is cheating on his wife they run with it. It doesn't matter if the information is coming from a questionable source. They just see the potential to turn public opinion against their opponent. Here, the press sees the Bush Administration and those that support Bush as their political enemy. But just like that politician that spreads what winds up to be a false accusation, their credibility has been flushed down the drain along with the questionable tipster. And there is no way for the press to recover their credibility at this point.

So I will offer my own journalistic report on the status of the "Press Branch". They have now become a lame duck. And their challenger, the Blogosphere, is quickly gaining in the polls. Reuters, CNN, CBS, and so many others are loosing credibility in the public's eye. But the Blogosphere is consistently gaining ground on the incumbent. More and more people are citing blogs like Little Green Footballs, the Pajama's Media, and even the left leaning Daily Kos. There appears no way for the MSM to keep it's seat in the Press Branch.

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Cartoon Roundup:August 7th, 2006

Robert Ariail via Yahoo! News

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Reuter Gate Video

This is an excellent video basically summarizing the list of indictments against the Reuters News Service and at least one of its photographers.

I applaud Reuters for doing what's called a "photo kill" on the first image involving increased smoke. But my question is will they ever consider doing a full investigation into other photos performed by this photographer (Hajj)? I seriously doubt that they will, nor do I think they will consider reforming their editing practices. They got their own shock and awe with their doctored photos and it made for some great press (up until the photoshopping was descovered). So where is the reason for them to reform anything? It doesn't exist.

There should be no doubt remaining that there is just as much bias against Israel in western media as there is in outlets like Al-Manar and Al-Jazeera.

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Saturday, August 05, 2006

BREAKING:US and France Agree!

The US and France agreeing on something is big news all its own. But what is even bigger news is that they have agreed on how to bring an end to the fighting in Lebanon.

"UNITED NATIONS - The United States and France reached agreement Saturday on a U.N. Security Council resolution aimed at ending the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said.

The full, 15-nation Security Council was expected to meet later in the day to discuss it, and it was likely to be adopted in the next couple of days, Bolton said."
- AP News Article via Yahoo! News

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Great Video:Brothers in Arms

Found this great video browing around last night. It's a tribute to the men and women of the IDF and the work they do defending Israeli citizens.

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Real Background of Arab Terrorism

Every time I hear a Hezbollah/Hamas/Islamic Jihad apologists they all say basically the same thing. If Israel would just go back to the boarders established 30+ years ago everything would be fine and the terrorist groups would stop killing Israeli civilians. They keep on pointing to the wars between Israel and its Arab neighbors (Egypt, Syria, Iran, etc.) that occurred in the 1960's and 1970's. By this argument they are saying that all terrorist activities against Israel are because of these wars (and other Israeli activities) that occurred in the 60's and 70's.

Let's take a deeper look, let's go before the 60's and see what terrorism (if any) occurred back then.

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (1895 to 1974)
  • The Grand Mufti is essentially the top guy in the Islamic religion.
  • In 1933 al-Husayni sent a letter to Germany expressing his support of the rising Nazi ideology and its spread across the world especially in Palestine and "offered his services".
  • Later that year, al-Husayni's assistants approached the German Consul General Wolff seeking his help in establishing an Arab National Socialist (Nazi) Party in Palestine to stop Jewish immigrants to Palestine and to get rid of lawful Jewish residents in Palestine.
  • On 21 July 1937, Al-Husayni paid a visit to the new German Consul-General, Hans Döhle, in Palestine. He repeated his former support for Germany and "wanted to know to what extent the Third Reich was prepared to support the Arab movement against the Jews." He later sent an agent and personal representative to Berlin for discussions with Nazi leaders.
  • From August 1938, Husseini received financial and military assistance and supplies from Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
  • November 28, 1941, al-Husayni asked Hitler for a public declaration that "recognized and sympathized with the Arab struggles for independence and liberation, and that it would support the elimination of a national Jewish homeland".
  • During WWII the Mufti assisted in Nazi radio propaganda in Germany.
  • Assisted in the formation of the Muslim Wafen SS units in the Balkans.
  • Adolf Eichmann`s deputy Dieter Wisliceny testified during his war crimes trial in 1946 that ... "The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan... He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say, accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chambers of Auschwitz."
  • Among the sabotage al-Husayni organized was an attempted chemical warfare assault on the second largest and predominantly Jewish city in Palestine, Tel Aviv. Five parachutists were sent with a toxin to dump into the water system.

Now, here is the connection to modern Palestinians. This is the text of an interview with Yasser Arafat in the London-based Arabic language news paper Al Sharq al Awsat back in 2002.

Interviewer: I have heard voices from within the Palestinian Authority in the past few weeks, saying that the reforms are coordinated according to American whims...

Arafat: We are not Afghanistan. We are the mighty people. Were they able to replace our hero Hajj Amin al-Husseini?... There were a number of attempts to get rid of Hajj Amin, whom they considered an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 war, and I was one of his troops."

Source: Mohammad Amin al-Husayni

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

BREAKING:Hezbollah Fires Missile at Afula Area

Haaretz.com is reporting on its breaking news ticker that Hezbollah has fired a Khaibar-1 missile at the Afula area. There are no reports yet as to any damage, or the absence of any damage. The Khaibar-1 missile is the same that was fired at the Afula area last week which was considered a significant escalation on Hezbollah's part since this is the furthest into Israel that Hezbollah had fired missiles.

I'll post updates here as soon as I find them.

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IDF Captures Hezbollah Officers in Baalbek Raid

Israel is claiming that they have captured several Hezbollah officials that were using an Iranian built hospital in Baalbek as a staff headquarters. This was a result of a daring commando raid sent in by way of helicopter transport combined with "unprecedented" (Lebanese witnesses) air coverage from the IAF.

The IDF also reported that at least 10 Hezbollah fighters were killed in the hours long gun fight.

The primary target of the raid was Muhammad Yazbek, a senior official in Hezbollah. However, he was not there at the time of the raid. However, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz said in a briefing on Wednesday that IDF forces "weren't there to obtain something specific." The IDF also claimed that the commandos did not take any wounded during this operation.

Hezbollah's private mouthpiece, I mean propaganda outlet, I mean privately owned news station, Al-Manar is claiming that those killed and captured during the raid were all civilians. Yeah, we're just going to ignore the fact that this hospital was built by the Iranians for the sole purpose helping wounded Hezbollah fighters and that it would go right along with their history to turn things like hospitals and ambulances into headquarters and transports for their fighters.

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Amazing Pic: Israeli Artillery

Found this amazing photo by Reuters news service on Yahoo! News.

Normally if I saw a picture like this I would say that it was Photoshopped. With it being from a major news service such as Reuters, however, I applaud the photographer because that is not an easy picture to get.

Hopefully that shell is on its way to Nasrallah.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

BREAKING: Hezbollah Converts Hospital to Headquarters

There are reports that Hezbollah has converted "the Dar al Hikmeh Hospital in the village into the headquarters for his staff" according to DebkaFile. This is the hospital that is currently being reported as being assaulted by IAF deep inside Lebanon near Baalbek.

Once again Hezbollah shows their abilities to use civilians and civilian structures as shields.

Here's the text of the full article:

"The Hizballah’s Beqaa commander Muhammad Yazbek is reported by DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources as having converted the Dar al Hikmeh Hospital in the village into the headquarters for his staff. Israel troops who made for this target are engaged in heavy clashes around the building.

Lebanese witnesses report an unprecedented number of Israeli warplanes over the Beqaa valley Tuesday night and aerial strikes against five Hizballah positions near Baalbek. From the Mediterranean, Israel naval artillery pounded Hizballah rocket sites on the Lebanese shore.

DEBKAfile’s senior military sources report Israel is going all out Tuesday night in an effort to finally overwhelm Hizballah on all fronts and generate conditions for the deployment of a multinational force in South Lebanon."
- DebkaFile article

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