I'm sure this title will gain a lot of vitriol from the DailyKos moonbat types, but what the hell I feel like starting something this morning. I want to offer my observations as a conservative of the Lieberman/Lamont primary up in Connecticut.
I have two main observations. The first is what does Lamont stand for other than pulling the troops out of Iraq? Senators can't order the troops out of Iraq, they can only stop funding the war effort. But what about the policies that a Senator does have authority to set? I haven't heard anything on how he thinks we should handle gas prices, immigration, national security, the War on Terror beyond Iraq, disaster preparedness. I've heard nothing on any of these major issues. The only sound bite I've heard has been "I want to invest in America again". OK...that's great. What do you mean by that Lamont? That's like a presidential candidate saying "put me in office because I'll help your children". OK...that's great. What about your opponent, is he just going to kick my children? No, of course not! So give me some substance. I think you would be hard pressed not to find a senator in Washington that wouldn't say "I want to invest in America again".
The second point is that this election for the DailyKos folks et. al. seems to have been more of an election against a man who's general domestic policies are of Democratic party. What I mean by that is this election does not seem to have been about choosing a better candidate for their party in November, instead it was about a candidate that
wasn't Lieberman. You could have put Mickey Mouse up there as long as he said he was against the war. This wasn't about whether Lieberman or Lamont was the best candidate for Senate, instead it was about getting rid of a high profile Democrat who disagreed with the DailyKos types on the war. Just take a look at some of the headlines from both the MSM and the Foil Hat Media:
- Yahoo! News - Lieberman loses battle over war
- Slate Magazine - Lieberman loses-and then promises to win
- Democratic Underground - Revenge of Irate Moderates "The rebellion against Mr. Lieberman was actually an uprising by that rare phenomenon, irate moderates."
DailyKos actually didn't have any headlines one way or the other, but their primary post was Winners/Losers bullet list. I will give them credit on this one, the first winner listed was Lamont. However where they mess up after that is calling all these other folks winners:
- People-powered politics (translation: the Foil Hat Rebellion on the DNC)
- "ctkeith (screen name), who was the crazy guy telling anyone who would listen that Lieberman was vulnerable."
And then the folks they list as losers:
- The Democratic Leadership Council
- "Every Connecticut newspaper which endorsed Lieberman."
- "Chris Dodd. Lieberman's staunchest defender can still redeem himself if he brokers Lieberman's exit from the race."
- "The DC beltway consultancies."
So even though DailyKos didn't have any headlines of "Lieberman Loses", the content of their primary post on this election says it all. This was the Foil Hat Rebellion in the Democratic Party, and they were more concerned about taking out their targets than they were about the aftermath of the rebellion. Their targets are simple, the DNC establishment and its sympathisers, and anyone who has ever agreed with Bush on anything (especially the war). And the only way to escape the second group is to throw yourself on the mercy of the Foil Hat Rebellion leaders at DailyKos et. al.
I believe we are going to witness a full paradigm shift in the Democratic party from a party that puts the America first in its priorities, to a party that puts hating the GOP and Bush first.
Tags: Bill Clinton, Bush, DailyKos, Democrat, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Lamont, Leiberman, Politics, Republican, Senate, United States, War