Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Is a Foil Hat Electable?

The Lieberman/Lamont primary proved one thing. That the Foil Hat Rebellion is in full force in the DNC. This was not a contest of Joe Lieberman against Ned Lamont. It was a contest between the DNC establishment and the Foil Hat types like DailyKos, Democratic Underground, George Soros, et. al.

So the Foil Hat candidates like Ned Lamont can win the Democratic primaries. And the probably will continue to win the Democratic Primaries. My question is are these Foil Hat candidates electable in a real election that involves more than just the Democrats? Can the Foil Hat candidates, with what are considered far left views, win in a general election with Republican voting and fence sitters?

I don't think that they can. I think if the DNC continues to move to the left, and continue to add new layers of tin foil to their hats, then they will loose in the general elections. It is proven by political history. Not once has a candidate that has moved further to the left or further to the right won a general election. It simply doesn't work. The far left Ned Lamonts and the far right Pat Buchanans are the minority in this country. They don't decide the results of general elections (thankfully).

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