Friday, August 11, 2006

My Snark Against The Leftists

OK folks, I'm about to go into full snark mode here. So fair warning. The leftists from groups like DailyKos, Democratic Underground, and many in the US House and Senate came pretty damn close to preventing the capture of the terrorists in London. Now, I'm not going to argue they were specifically trying to help terrorists. I don't believe, no matter how twisted their minds are, they want to help terrorists kill people.

But take a look at what was used to prevent what would have been a disaster that would make September 11th look like nothing.

These are two things that leftists would have wanted to shut down. Think back to the objections made by the left when it was learned that US intelligence agencies were listening to international phone calls and paying attention to money transfers. All the leftists were yelling at the top of their lungs trying to say how the evil Bush administration was just trying to infringe on Americans' rights and that is why the Republicans should be voted out of office.

These events prove how effective these legal programs are. These events prove how serious and real the war on terrorism is! This is not some setup in response to the Lieberman loss in Connecticut as the moonbats are barking right now. This is not to save the Republican majority in November either. So unwrap the foil from your heads and wake up to reality for once in your lives. There was, and possibly still is, a real and undeniable threat to human life out there. There is a real and undeniable group of people out there who want to kill people simply for the sake of killing people.

So to all you moonbats out there. Wake up, grow up, or get out of the way for the adults in the world. All your endless flash presentations and YouTube movies where you pose as self described experts trying desperately to prove that Bush is the source of all evil in the world is an absolute waste of time and energy. And I say that not because I think that Bush is the greatest man in the world. I say it because you people show a total lack of rationality in everything you do. When confronted with facts your only counter argument is Rove is too good at covering up the facts. Did you ever stop to think that maybe there aren't any facts to be uncovered? Did you ever stop to think that there are more facts against your argument than there are in support of it? Did you ever stop and think that maybe the reason you dogmatically pursue these conspiracy theories while playing the X-Files theme song in the background is simply because you are more devoted to your political party (whether its the Democrats or any of the countless non-GOP parties) than you are to the country?

I have a challenge for you moonbats. You claim to be the thinking people of the country (and of the world in some cases). Put your money where your mouth is and separate your hatred of Bush and those associated with him. Get out of your Fox Mulder mindset. And take a serious look at the facts that exist. And don't just look at the evidence that condemns Bush et. al. Look at the evidence that condemns terrorists. Look at the evidence that condemns the leftists. Look at the arguments that support what Bush does. Look at the arguments that support what the leftists are doing. And I mean really look at it, without the foil hats. For once think with your own brains and not the latest story worthy of a Hollywood thriller. This isn't a Hollywood thriller. This is the real world. Welcome to it.

And when in doubt just remember Occam's razor.

"entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."

In short, sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.

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At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint you, but "leftists" were not against the programs - they were against the administration's unwarrented use of them. All they were calling for is oversight - same as you "rightests" (doesn't have the same ring to it as leftists does it?) would have done had ole' Bill Clinton been executing wiretaps and financial tracking without approval from congress first. The so-called group of America hating leftists that you so elequently rant about does not support terrorism, or their ability to communicate and transfer funds - they just believe that checks and balances is a logical method of governance. It always stuns me when the neo-cons accuse the democrats of being "wildy-left" and "out-of-touch" when the majority of americans: disapprove of Bush (currently, a 33% approval rating) and support withdrawal from Iraq (57%).

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Jason G said...

I think the anonymous poster makes a good point - it wasn't the use of wiretaps, but the unwarranted, and unchecked use of them. Use of wiretaps, phone records, bank records, and the like are not bad practices - the use of them en masse and without a warrant is.

I do not speak for "leftists" because I don't consider myself one of them, nor do I agree with the people (that you label leftists) on many issues, but I think it is the use of these intelligence gathering techniques without warrants or letting some judicial body know of the intended action is the problem and could potentially lead to a slipprey slope of civil rights abuses.


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