Saturday, July 15, 2006

Lebanese/Syrian Border Strikes Not Israeli?

Just read an interesting post over at the DEBKAfile talking about those strikes that occurred on the Lebanese/Syrian border. All day everything I've heard about that strike was that it was an Israeli strike, possibly to keep the Syrians from entering into the conflict.

But Debka claims that those attacks where done by Hizbollah in an attempt to bring Syria into the fight by trying to make it look like an Israeli incursion into Syria.

Here's the text of the Debka post:
"DEBKA file: Hizballah fire rocket on Israeli Merom Hagolan situated on the Golan Saturday as a maneuver to entangle Syria in the conflict. The Shiite terrorist group also spread false reports of Israeli air strikes on the Syrian side of the Lebanese border. Damascus resisted Hizballah’s ruse and firmly denied the report - as did Israel."

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