Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Anti-Israeli Crowd: What's Your Idea?

I was watching Bill O'Reilly last night for the first time in months and he was interviewing someone (I didn't catch the name I'm afraid) who was against Israel's current military actions against Hezbollah. The guy's reasoning was like so many others; "there are more civilians being killed in Lebanon than in Israel" and "Hezbollah only kidnapped two soldiers, big deal" (those aren't exact quotes their just summarizations of his points).

When O'Reilly asked the guy "what do you say the Israelis do" the guy said that Israel should "sit down and come up with a better way". He suggested they could exchange prisoners with Hezbollah because that recovered kidnapped Israeli soldiers in the past that way. In short he wants them to sit down and negotiate with the terrorist group Hezbollah who's charter was founded on the idea of the destruction of Israel. By sitting down with Hezbollah (or any other terrorist group) every time they kidnap one of your citizens is to open yourself up to even more kidnappings down the road. Because here's what Hezbollah would see, "if I just keep kidnapping Israeli citizens and soldiers I can keep trading them for bigger and better things, and eventualy get all of Israel." And to trade terrorist prizoners for Israeli soldiers is like trading Charles Manson for American citizens. You are putting dangerous people out on the street where they can attack you again.

So tell me this all you liberal, "peace at any cost", "one man's terrorist is another man's feedom fighter" nut jobs, what are your suggestions as to what Israel should do?

Should everybody just put flowers in their gunbarrels, lay down their arms, and all sing "if i could teach the world to sing in perfect harmony"? Well that was tried more than six years ago when Israel was told to disengage from southern Lebanon, and Hezbollah was supposed to disarm. Israel pulled out of Lebanon, but Hezbollah (as we have seen) is yet to disarm. In fact they have done the exact opposite. They have built up their rocket and missile arsenal with the help of the Syrians and the Iranians.

So, again I ask you "sit and talk it out" types what would you have Israel do?

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